Cosmetic Dentures

Natural & Fitting Dentures

Dentures in Middleton

Dentures are a way of replacing missing teeth and the supporting bone and gums. They are removable and can be put back in place with ease. They are most commonly recommended for people that have lost all or a significant number of teeth.

Dentures can be partial or full and worn in the upper, lower or both jaws.


Advantages of dentures

  • Can be quickly made
  • Easy to clean
  • Cost-effective when compared to other options
  • Adjusted and added to if further tooth loss occurs


Disadvantages of dentures

  • Can feel like a foreign object in your mouth
  • A degree of movement can occur when eating
  • Can impair taste or speech
  • May break and require repair
Before & After

Look At The World Of A Difference a Cosmetic Denture Can Make

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Do not put up with inadequate dentures that prevent you from eating and being confident Book Now

Dentures Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you need to wear dentures?

Dentures can improve the appearance of your smile if you have multiple missing teeth. They also help to retain the natural structure of your mouth, lips, and cheeks. With dentures, one can eat food that requires chewing, thus ensuring you can maintain your diet even after losing your teeth.

Will it take time to get used to dentures?

You will only feel awkward and uncomfortable in the first few weeks. You may need a bit of practice to eat and talk with dentures. Eventually, your tongue and cheek muscles will be accustomed to holding the dentures in place.

How long can dentures last?

Dentures can last several years before needing replacement. Ensure you visit your dentist at least twice a year for checks.

Get A Gorgeous Smile With a Cosmetic Denture