White Coloured Fillings

Natural Looking & Mercury Free Fillings

White Fillings in Middleton

Many patients have concerns over the use of dental amalgams (silver fillings) and are preferring to choose tooth-coloured alternatives for restoration of their teeth.

Tooth coloured alternatives are mercury-free and if placed correctly, with use the appropriate materials can provide years of excellent service. Their use in NHS practice is strictly governed and they are placed only in certain circumstances.

Your dentist would be happy to discuss the options such as the use of composite resins or ceramics to fulfil your wishes

As resins are used as opposed to ceramics there needs to be a degree of care taken to maintain the longevity of the restorations. Chipping and staining of the restorations are possible but can often be repaired in surgery. With proper care, bonding can last several years.

Our dentists would be happy to advise you in any treatments like this.

Before & After

Look At The World Of A Difference Composite White Filling Can Achieve

Composite White Fillings

Your 4-step Composite White Fillings Process

Book your White Fillings consultation with one of our expert cosmetic dentists

Create your tailored White Fillings treatment plan

Begin your White Fillings journey

Smile With Confidence In Pictures & Public

Composite White Fillings Testimonial

Watch how pleased our clients are with their Composite White Fillings

Benefits of Composite White Fillings

Less destructive tooth preparation required. Improved aesthetics and reduced risk of fractures Book Now

Composite White Fillings Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of composite white fillings?

Composite fillings is a straightforward procedure that can be done on the same day from a dental clinic. It is a good solution for teeth restoration for minor defects that have not affected the tooth’s root canal.

Can composite filling damage my teeth?

There are no major risks involved in dental bonding. The only difference between a resin bond is that it is not as strong as your natural teeth. Therefore, the material can chit or fall off. This only affects the bonding and not your teeth.

Which are better, silver or white fillings?

Silver fillings (Amalgam) hare provided under the NHS and do the job of repairing tooth cavities/holes. However, they do contain Mercury and are not aesthetic looking as white fillings.

Get A Gorgeous Smile With Composite White Fillings